

Designed in Melbourne, Australia, Siyyon is more than a brand, it represents the people of God, the Children of God. The ones who have chosen to accept Jesus as Lord and live for Him!


Our purpose is to design high quality, conversational street wear that upholds the truths of the Gospel while inspiring, motivating and reminding us to live out God’s calling and purpose for our lives. That is to know God and make Him known.

In a world that’s full of noise, distraction, confusion and darkness, it’s easy to be caught up in the midst of it and forget what we’re here for and ultimately Who is here with us!


The Bible talks a lot about the light and the significance of being a part of the Kingdom of Light. It's a contrast between light and darkness where the ultimate culmination is that light wins overcoming darkness for all time when Jesus returns and defeats the powers of darkness.

As Children of Light we are part of the Kingdom of Light. We have been called out of the darkness and brought into the light when we came to know the Creator of Heaven and Earth for ourselves and walk with Him in our daily lives.

We have been called to be part of His restoration of all things as we spread the "Good News" that Jesus came from Heaven to Earth to redeem us and set us free from the oppression of darkness to live eternally with Him in the light.

Our slogan is "Clothed In Light" which represents the essence of the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus. We are first clothed and equipped with the light of the truth, that is Jesus and then we are commissioned by Him to be "the light of the world" to bring the light of Christ to the darkness and carry it with us or be "clothed in light" wherever we go and in whatever we do. 

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3:12

Thank you for being a part of our journey!